Amos Camps Out by Susan Seligson and Howie Schneider
Amelia Bedelia goes Camping by Peggy Parish
Make trail mix. Learn following instructions and measuring. One scoop of raisins, 2 scoops peanuts, etc.
Fun camping book.
Make dinner with the fish.??? Check this out.
Cute nature box!!
Camping songs from here.
Make campfires out of pretzel logs.
Make a tent out of paper. Fold the top corners down to look like a tent. Decorate with trees, etc.
Camping handouts to work on. Includes small pictures of camping items that may be able to be cut out and used to decorate tent picture.
Camping coloring pages.
Fun camping lesson plan. Need to read in further detail.
Make things out of marshmallows and toothpicks.
Do a Camping theme obstacle course. Go around the cooler, over the pyramid of sleeping bags, walk along the rope, etc.
First, give each of your children four large craft sticks. | |
Show them how to glue the four sticks into a square. | |
Next, have each child glue small twigs on top of the frames. |
Spread out a large blanket. | |
Have your children sit around the outside edge. | |
In the middle of the blanket, set four or five picnic, camping or food items. | |
Point out each item and have children try to remember them. | |
Have the children pretend they are on a picnic in the woods and get tired and decide to take a nap. | |
While they are sleeping, along comes a bear (select one of the children to be the bear) and steals one of the items and drags it off (around a corner). | |
When the children wake up, see if they can identify the missing item. | |
When it is identified, the bear comes back and places the item back on the blanket. | |
Another child is chosen to be the bear and the game is played again. |
Have children sit in a straight line in front of a blank wall. | |
Turn off the lights and turn on a flashlight. | |
Hand the flashlight to a child and have them outline a simple shape on the wall. | |
Have the other children try to guess what shape is being drawn. | |
Let the child that guesses correctly, have the next turn. |
Take a paper plate and glue small pictures related to camping around the outside of the plate. | |
Attach a spinner to the middle of the plate. (A large safety pin attached with a paper fastener works great) | |
Start a story about camping. | |
Let your children take turns spinning the story wheel and then incorporate that item into the story. (If children are too young to participate in the story telling, just let them spin, then you continue the story, incorporating that item or element into the story.) |
Find some small twigs and break them into 2” sections. Practice forming straight line letters with the twigs. |
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